Blepharoplasty (eyelid reduction)

Excess skin around the eyelids can present either a functional issue (visual impairment) or a cosmetic issue – or both.

Blepharoplasty, or eyelid reduction surgery, is a surgical procedure which involves removal of excess skin and removal or re-draping of fat around the eyes. The procedure can target either the upper or lower eyelids, and is highly individualised, depending on your needs and the specific problem to be addressed. Surgery to both upper and lower eyelids can be done simultaneously, if required.

Blepharoplasty is usually done as a day-procedure, in a hospital setting. Surgical incisions are made through natural skin creases, so post-operative scarring is minimal. Like any surgical procedure however, there are risks involved with surgery, which your surgeon will discuss with you in more detail during your consultation.

The key to a successful outcome with blepharoplasty lies in careful pre-operative assessment, and an understanding of your specific needs. In some cases, such as pre-existing eye conditions or a tendency to develop post-operative eye issues due to your underlying anatomy, your surgeon may recommend you to see an ophthalmologist (eye specialist). Dr Armstrong will always give you an honest opinion, and discuss all appropriate options relevant to you.